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伦敦简约舒适型男 不受约束的感觉

来源:小编整理2015-06-16 10:25作者:坏男人小编

伦敦简约舒适型男 不受约束的感觉


  Adam All Look: Hardy Amies Bag: Hugo Boss Inspiration: I wear double breasted jackets every single day. I love how comfortable they are, how I can move without feeling constrain. (我每天都穿双排扣西装,我喜欢它们舒适和行走时不受约束的感觉)

伦敦简约舒适型男 不受约束的感觉

  Chris All Look: YMC Bag: Zara Inspiration: For today, I wanted to try something different. Usually I go for something Scandinavian and toned down. This is a little different. Plus I like denim and polka dots. (今天我想尝试一些不一样的东西,通常我的风格比较斯堪的纳维亚和淡色感,但这次有些不同,顺便提一下,我喜欢丹宁和波点元素)

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